
School Closure Jan 2021 - Key Worker Information

Dear Parents,
Apologies for the lateness of this email but, as you can imagine, my phone hasn't stopped ringing or my email pinging during the last 2 hours!  You should, by now, have received an email or text from Mrs Dawber who will be collecting information about those families where both parents (in families with two parents) are key workers.  Having checked the data you gave us in the spring term we will be expecting a maximum of 20 children tomorrow. Please email kdawber@twissgreen.net ONLY if your child needs a place in school.
Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 should be ready for collection by staff from the playground at 9am - please ensure that you are wearing masks when dropping off and picking up.  Children in Key Stage 2 should be ready for collection by staff from the playground at 8:50am.  NB key worker parents may accompany their children into the school grounds.  Children should bring a packed lunch unless they qualify for free school meals.
The teachers will be working extremely hard tomorrow ensuring that our online learning offer is up and running.  If you require support with computer hardware then please contact the school - we will do our best to provide you with a device.
Unfortunately, there will be no Breakfast Club or After School Club running during lockdown.
It goes without saying that we will be in regular contact with you either via Seesaw, email or text.  I do hope it is not too long before we are all back together again.
Kind regards,
Lesley McGann