
Welcome to Y6

Teacher: Mrs. Lea / Mrs. Milward
Classroom Support: Miss Cragg and Miss Taylor
PPA : Mrs Hughes
PE lessons: 
PE lessons will take place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and you should come to school in your PE kits - TG PE top and black shorts (indoor kit) or TG PE jumper (or school jumper/ cardigan) and dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings - and trainers. 
On non-PE days, remember to bring your trainers to school in a bag ready for the Daily Mile!
Parent Overviews
Please check Google Classroom for information about your weekly homework activities. 
English/Maths/ Spelling Homework will be set on a FRIDAY and should be handed in the following FRIDAY.
Reading journals and reading books should be brought into school EVERYDAY.
At home, you should be reading AT LEAST 4 times per week. You will have your own individual reading book and should make sure you log all your reading in your reading journal.
We will also be encouraging you to read a wide range of genres this year too - why not choose something to read that is different to the books you would usually go for? Visit our Reading for Pleasure section for more ideas!
Reading Plus
Please use your individual login to access Reading Plus at home. At least two Reading Comprehension sessions should be completed at HOME each week, with the others being completed in school.


Century: Maths and English Homework
Below you will find the link Century; you can login and access this using your individual login details.  Each week, you will be set a selection of activities (nuggets)  linked to your English and Mathematics learning to complete for homework.
Spelling Homework
See below for the link to Spelling Shed that you can access with your individual password to practise your spellings for the week. 
Times Table Rockstars
Knowledge of times tables facts is a key basic tool for success in maths. In Y6, you need to know these crucial number facts by heart and be able to apply them with speed and accuracy so that you can tackle more complex maths problems such as fractions, decimals and percentages. You should complete a minimum of two games on the tables that have been set for you each week.